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Meet the artist

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Here's my Bio!
Be sure to click on the image and zoom in,
or download it if you feel you want to paint Fanart of me.


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1. Why is your Persona based of an Ichthyosaurus?
I was enamored with the scientific fact of how much I related with Ichthyosaurus. First and foremost, it's a rather lonesome creature of the sea. I am of the Zodiac fire region, but I don't act like a Sagittarius or a fire Zodiac that much. I am a rather Introverted person. But even if I'm an introverted person, I can feel rather lonesome and Depressed. It takes some effort for me to be motivated. I am also a Zodiac Dragon. When I took tests, I tested more accurately for Cancer and Pisces. I like testing Zodiacs to pass up time and for my
self-esteem. For fun, basically. It's like my spirit animal. Though I am very terrified of the sea because of trauma from Tsunamis, Typhoons, and almost drowning.
2. What are your Favorite Colors?
Commonly, I adore Muted Pastel colors. Above all, Rose Gold is my Ultimate Favorite Color. However, other colors I like include Beige, Cornflower, Pale Pink, Turquoise, and Warm Sienna. But "Vaporwave" Purples are starting to grow on me.
3. What is your Favorite type of Fashion?
“Kawaii” Grunge. I adore this fashion and I have had this fashion in my mind and heart. I have plenty of clothes containing Pale Pink and I even have Pale Pink Sneakers to match it all! I sometimes wear Neon fashion to look like a tomboy, but only for Neon Blue or neon colors that don't hurt my eyes. Sometimes
I wear Monochrome Fashion. Neon Pink or Green are awful, I will never wear those.
4. What is your Favorite Dish?
I do not recall a Favorite Dish, but I do like Spicy Foods! There’s types of pasta that I like
Lasagna, Shells and Cheddar, Shrimp Alfredo! There are also dishes like Sashimi, and Sushi, but I prefer these fish spiced with the Prized Japanese Spicy Mayonnaise.
5. What are your Favorite Desserts?
Cannoli, Chess Pie, Mochi Ice Cream, Ube Ice Cream, and Hot Fudge Sundaes.
6. What are your Favorite Drinks?
My favorites are Orange Juice, Lemonade, or just simply a glass of Water.
Please do not give me Soda or any carbonated drink, as I will have an adverse reaction.

Q and A

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1. Is it okay if I use your Fan Art for Fandom assets like profile pictures, coding, etc?
Subjectively, I am of a small minority who thinks it’s okay for someone to use artwork for a Fandom as long as you don’t claim the artwork as yours. I absolutely adore the thought of someone looking up to me and thinking that the artwork is good enough to be used for something. However, that is only the case for me. ABSOLUTELY DO NOT do this for other people UNLESS they say it’s okay to do so, as that is disrespectful to the artist.
2. Is it okay if I use your Original Art/Writing?
Unless you have permission from me, the answer is absolutely not. The projects and results are made from my passion, and I will do a DMCA Takedown if you publish any artworks made by my own sweat and tears. My apologies for being frank, but I am very protective of my original works. If the Theft/Plagiarism persists, I will lock my works down and will have it only accessible to those who are trusted.
3. Is it okay if I use your Gift Art for the people you made gifts for?
If you really wish to do that, please ask permission from the person I am giving the gift to. The area here for this question is more morally gray, but I am sure the person you’re thieving the gift will be more upset on my behalf.
3. Is it acceptable if I do Fan Art of your characters?
O H , Y E S !
Please do! I encourage love of my artwork and I’ll be in tears even looking at a sketch. Personally, I only barely understand people that don’t want Fan Art. However, respecting their wishes will be the best decision.
12. Is it acceptable if I do NSFW Fan Art of your characters?
Please do with my permission. If I refuse, then I don’t want it. Many Fetishes repulse me and I am very selective when it comes to this subject in particular. If you choose to do this anyway, do not be surprised if you’re never talked to again or Blocked.
4. If I Commission you, is it okay if I leave out the Credit?
Personally, I think this is an imperative question for all artists. I relinquished the Copyright to you; therefore, you are now the owner of the artwork. You don’t have to credit me after paying for an artwork. However, this won’t apply to all artists as some will have a “Terms of Service” for their Commissions. Generally speaking, it’s more morally correct to credit an artist. Personally for me though, I will be perfectly fine with that. Individuals that tend to go after other individuals (albeit, without a “Terms of Service”) who commissioned them with money for “No Credit” are usually ignorant of Copyright.
5. Is it possible that we can be friends / Can we be friends?
If you want to be friends with me, this isn’t a proper question to ask me. The question comes off as fairly awkward and off-putting for most.
For me, friendships build from acquaintanceship from the ground down-up. Despite that, I am uncomfortable with this sort of gesture. Nowadays, I wish my friendships on the internet to be Limited because I can be very occupied in real life with my art or my occupation. Another common idea about this question in particular is that when a person asks me this question, they would usually want something from me. Being an Artist, this particular question comes off as rather dubious in its intentions. From and due to prior experiences from being used and thrown out for my art, I have a Massive Trust Issue complex (as well as Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria). Moreover, it’s fairly likely that I won’t be friends with people I don’t know down to heart, or at least have known for a few years. In short, the most likely scenario is that we might be acquaintances, but nothing special. My apologies for this.
6. When will you open Commissions? What are your prices?
I'm still deciding, but I will make a Paypal account where you can pay me. I'll make these prices very cheap as I'm not very confident in my skills in all honesty. Plus, I want everyone to be able to afford what I work on anyway.